The “Naked House” tour

Be honest….did you click on this post because I put the word “NAKED” in the title? Yeah, I thought so. That’s part of my sneaky plan to get more views! XD

The odd thing is that even today, nearly four months after we officially closed on our home, there are still pictures of it up on a realtor site. INTERIOR pictures. Doesn’t that make it easier for someone to “case the joint”? (Did I use that correctly?)

This photo was taken on a bright winter day, approximately 1 year ago. See what we’re working with? Wrought iron front porch, old huge trees (that need serious pruning), a gravel drive, and yes, a basketball backboard without the hoop.

This is the view of our backyard from the back door. The deck railing looks a little rickety, I’m seeing a project there!

This is the lake right next to our property line, way out in our side yard. It’s awesome!

This is the view into our living room. I’m guessing the photographer didn’t believe in turning on lights? Again, I didn’t take this photo, it is off the realtor website.

Turn around in the living room and you face the kitchen! A glorious kitchen, with white, white, white, and so many windows! Love at first sight.

This is the master bedroom. It is in the hallway off the main room, to the right. It’s close proximity to our wood stove is perfect during the winter!

This is the master bath. I think someone looked at a walk-in closet and said, “Hey! I should be able to pee in there!” And made it a bathroom. It is that small.

The hallway off of the main room. Left to right: Bedroom door, bathroom door, laundry closet.

My laundry closet:)

This is our hall bathroom. It’s bigger than the master, but pretty plain.

These are the two “bedrooms” at the end of the hallway. Currently one is an art studio and the other a guest room.

And there you have it! A tour of the house, how it looked before we moved in. We certainly had our work cut out for us.

3 thoughts on “The “Naked House” tour

  1. Pingback: I like a little bed with my room! « Life & Love in a Cozy Crooked Cottage

  2. Pingback: Princess bathroom reveal | Living in a Cozy Crooked Cottage

  3. Pingback: The Elephant in the Room | Cozy Crooked Cottage

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