DIY blue mason jar light fixture

Okay guys, I’ve talked about this before! I have a serious issue with DIY anything. My urge to DIY lasts about as long as it takes me to rummage through the house in search of paintbrushes, pinking shears, or hot glue sticks that actually fit my glue gun (who thought it was a good idea to invent oval glue sticks when the vast majority of glue guns need ROUND ones? And why did I buy them??) Meaning, by the time I’ve finally gathered supplies for a project, the urge to create has most likely passed on by, leaving me pooped out on the couch eating the rest of the oreos and watching a Friends marathon. You know it happens, and not just to me!

So, when I titled this post, “DIY mason jar light fixture”, it was sort of tongue-in-cheek. When I googled my post title I found a DIY mason jar chandelier (chandelier!) from Kara Paslay Designs, DIY mason jar pendant lights from the DIY Village, a DIY mason jar and rustic pallet light fixture (can they fit any more buzzwords into that title?) from Binky’s Nest, and another style of DIY mason jar chandelier from The Cheneys’ House to Home blog.

GOOD LAWD. Have you seen the list of required supplies for these tutorials? I’d get maybe 1/3 of the way through, get distracted by Rachel & Ross’s obvious sexual chemistry, and then probably electrocute myself or blow up something important. If I can’t hot glue it, I’m probably not going to do it.

And so, since you are probably frothing at the mouth begging me to please, PLEASE show you what in the heck I’m talking about right now (right?), without further ado:

The Easiest DIY Ball Canning Jar Light Fixture IN THE WORLD (and I’m not making that up)

Step 1:

Have an existing light fixture that looks sort of like this. Any wall-mounted light with a glass shade held on by screws will do.


See the screws around the band there holding this glass shade up? I unscrew those in order to clean dead fruit flies out of the shade. Gross, but it happens!


Love this pretty little light fixture. I got it from Home Depot for $33 and talk about installing it in this blog post. This is an older picture, but since I don’t make a habit of taking pictures of my kitchen light, it’ll do! It just makes the “After” picture look so much more dramatic:P

Step 2:

Unscrew the screws and take off the existing glass shade. Store it someplace safe because you KNOW you’ll want it back up someday. Put your clean glass mason jar in its place and *carefully* screw back in the screws, until you feel them fit into the teeth on the neck of the jar. Don’t let go of the jar until you know that the fixture can hold its weight securely. My canning jar weighs about 4x what the blown glass shade weighed, so this was important!

The End.

See? Told you it was easy.


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Cost: $0! The pretty blue mason jar used to hold sugar on my counter. Seeing it sitting empty in my kitchen drainer is what inspired me to make the change in the first place ^_^



P.S. I originally titled this post, “DIY blue ball jar light fixture”, and then nearly snorted my afternoon coffee when I realized how that sounded. The update to “blue mason jar” was for your sanity as much as my own.

4 thoughts on “DIY blue mason jar light fixture

  1. I love it! Listen I have had 3 “DIY light” ideas in my head for over a year. A year. And I still haven’t done them. And I like to DIY. There are just certain projects that I am like I know how much effort is going to be required in this chaos and I realllllllly have to be in the mood to get it done. This. This is my kind of light DIY.

    • That’s the *exact reason* why I haven’t refinished my bedroom dresser. I just haven’t been in the mood for a crazy project like that! Currently I’m in “winter hibernation mode” – I’m hoping that when the weather warms up, my motivation will increase as well. I’d love to hear about your DIY ideas, though! I love ideas!

      • It’s TOTALLY the winter hibernation mode. I had a friend email me today and was like umm you haven’t blogged in a week and I was like Is that not ok? Oh crap. I am way too cozy in my sweaters and bailey’s to paint right now.

  2. Pingback: DIY Painted Refrigerator « Cozy Crooked Cottage

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