Tagged with obedience class

Being a multi-dog household

Being a multi-dog household

Alternate title, “Tips on being a multi-dog household AND NOT LOSING YOUR EFFING MIND ON A DAILY BASIS”. #1: Go to puppy class I cannot stress what an opportunity it is to take your new puppy through obedience class! We had Luke & Leia enrolled in puppy training within 2 weeks of getting them, and … Continue reading

Eventually I’ll remember to buy Xmas gifts….

Eventually I’ll remember to buy Xmas gifts….

Since the epic “bathroom redo to end all bathroom redos“ (I mean that literally…no more bathroom redos. For like, 2 years at least) I have been trying to catch my breath. Luke & Leia had their PetSmart Puppy Class Graduation on Saturday! The graduation requirements were that they each had to “sit stay” for 30 … Continue reading